Ticket to your Lala Land…
and likewise, you weave your moments, days months, and then — years!
You quench your thirst for getting in life — somewhere.
Getting your first degree, battling your setbacks and relishing the success of what would your days ahead look like!
Somehow managing the Pascal of whether to continue or break the monotony you land into the oblivion of the unknown. Maybe you did right, or maybe this is going to cost you for the rest of your life…
After detangling yearns of thoughts — you finally take the leap of faith!
You Step Into The Litmus of Another Certain/ Uncertain Paperweight
You are now over the burdens of what and how a paper and some integers decide to turn your fate into a mess or some: De-Stress!
Some boastings, some not-so-satisfactory results!
Here comes another litmus for further escalations —
you now start seeing changing colors of the mundane. Prepping for another lap. Again a new start over !
And so starts the hobnobbing of the race along!
Anyway, you get a platform to showcase finally where you are, and where are you willing to go ahead(or so you have mapped, so far)-
Excels! Pixels! More Boastings , Celebrations ~~and, the joy ride that has to continue now. That, is the norm ~~
The daydreamer has come to his senses finally.
The travel ride was quite eventful in that world. He has been emitting quite an explicable bit of facial emotions with that wake-up!
Present Day: A decent successful middle-class enthusiast, is now a decade-old entrepreneur ~~ an IT Magnet. Well-known for his vibrant and unspoken gleam, the IT honcho being quite eventful in the professional limelight, is known to lead a pretty secret life to which only a few have access to.
We all are the irony, isn’t it?
All in all, you know where has all of it gone? Left behind?
Yes ~~ in the evening glass of milk that mother used to run behind with.
The tiny little toy case; in that guitar — the broken string of plastic that still stays unrepaired. And the dreams, that were building up with each strum of that age.
Forgiven, and Foregone — Once the Lala Land stands barren now in today’s wild dust of chaos. Silent, but flowing — the winds of the past do come and peek-a-boo to the now mundane sheets of the blueprinted present.