Stuck still in the sounds of echo?
Hope and despair goes hand in hand, may be?
When you upset yourself with the burden of unnecessary expectations, it is not bound to resolve for you.
It will have its own way, like it always have.
Adjustments, settlements — a progressive society we are supposed to live in? But, may be not. Something that is written in the books of nature, can’t be changed — unless the intent is clear and fresh. You get on with your life for ‘settling down’. You get on with your life for ‘moving on’.
Question is — how far anyone reaches?
Point is , it is not to reach anywhere , every time. Like how they say — it’s not about the destination, but the journey , and the countless memories one carries along.
Then, how is the settlement of gloom suppose to resolve?
How is the melancholy of one way leading life after every occasion suppose to settle?
Nothing makes sense at the end, man. And nothing will . The loop is going to continue, may be till the last drop left in this eternity.
It might all sound so sad, and so stupid — but mate! it is ultimately what has been stuck in this loop as well. It will.
You don’t go anywhere. You are there forever, and things turn just like the pages of a book .
Emotions ; umm!!
They are a wholesome other entity existing in this Uni. Flying endlessly , heart-to-heart, soul to soul. Embracing its nature, one has to get very lucky to wear that hat.
But as they say again — even limit, has got a deadline. Nothing should cross beyond that. The Universe understands that. For every outburst , getting out of measure will have its consequences.
A human body, that is by far the best by -product of everything that has blown out of proportion in this galaxy, yeah sometimes! creating continuous bad art, in a fluke — you do create genius!
And there is possible every subject existing in the soul of every being.
Like a woven wool.
But what is been done about it?
One has to break a pattern, to bring in something new. Even Heart.
It has its own destiny, as well. Yeah! not many are aware of it though.
It will beat till a point, till it knows not to.
(No, I am not implying & pointing Death here).
Wrapping on Existence , and existing — Inevitable, miraculous, the never-ending, the obvious, probably leaves Hope every time, inch by inch. Everything in this system, is chained and intertwined, so obviously there is no escape. No matter how sad all this is going to sound, but the fact is — a little ray of light is always suppose to enter from the cracks, and it does. The cracks of time and tide, will always bend as opposed to hope and healings.
As long as we shall exist — we will be in the clasps of known, and the unknown. The parody of everything will keep tuning, and every molecule is going to respond to it.
The dance of the known and the unknown — how magical that is likely to be an imagination like? Of course, they already have been in sync, since forever, and if forever is a myth — it also has its change of course in time, which is likely to be a common syllabus for all of us.
So if, its a Fairy — Tale!
let us dance our soul out!
Or, if a Restless Nightmare —
may be lay somewhere to whine on our thoughts,
to get dissolved and lastly, burn out.
Let’s just…